
Launching the Simulator (Gazebo Fortress)

MOV.AI Flow™ easily integrates with Gazebo Fortress, so that you can use Gazebo Fortress to create, edit and simulate a robot and its world. In addition, MOV.AI Flow provides ready-made simulations that seamlessly operate with the ready-made example MOV.AI Flows that MOV.AI provides.

To launch the ready-made Ignition Gazebo simulator –

  1. Click the following icon to run the MOV.AI Simulator Launcher –



For better debugging, you can launch Ignition directly from your terminal by typing movai-flow-simulator

A terminal displays while the simulator is downloaded and installed.
Upon completion, the following displays –


Note – You can close the terminal to get it out of the way by clicking the X in its top right corner.

  1. MOV.AI provides a world in Ignition Gazebo for each ready-made example MOV.AI Flows.
    To run the simulator of the Simple Navigation: Husky demo, there’s no need to select anything in this window, because by default it is set up to run the world (as shown above).

  2. Click the START SIMULATOR button. The following displays relatively quickly because some of the components have already been downloaded in the background. For new users, this might take a bit longer.


Depending on your Internet connection, it may take some time for the world to download. After a while, the following displays –


Cleaning up Your Desktop

You may want to hide the settings pane that appears on the right of Gazebo by right-clicking on it and selecting Close.


You can right-click and select Close again on the Entry Tree pane.
The following displays showing the entire world –


To save these settings so that the simulator does not launch with these panes –
Click the Ctrl + S keys.
– OR –
Click the Menu button in the top left corner to display the following pane –


Select the Save client configuration option.