
Tugbot TF Generator


This tf gen (generator) node receives the tags_detections and the tag TF generated by the apriltag_ros node and publishes a new generated TF that is shifted in the z direction (distance parameter) and the x direction (shift parameter) of the tag TF. This node is specific to the Tugbot robot model and how the camera is positioned in the model.



Input List

There are 4 parameters.

Port NameMessage typeCallback
enableBool [std_msgs-ROS1/Subscriber]tf_gen_enable.cb
initInit [movai_msgs-MovAI/Init]tf_gen_init.cb
tag_detectionsAprilTagDetectionArray [apriltag_ros-ROS1/Subscriber]tf_gen_tag_detections.cb
tag_tf_subTF [movai_msgs-ROS1/TFSubscriber]tf_gen_tag_tf_sub.cb

Output List

There are 1 parameters.

Port NameMessage type
generated_tfTF [movai_msgs-ROS1/TFPublisher]

Parameter List

There are 6 parameters.

apriltag_tf_suffixThe suffix of the TF generated by the apriltag_ros node.
cameraThe camera of the tugbot model which is used to generate the tag TF. This parameter is used to rotate the generated TF according to the positioning of the front or back camera.
distanceThe distance of the generated TF from the tag TF in the z direction of the tag TF.
expected_tag_idThe expected TF frame name that is generated using the apriltag_ros node.
generated_tf_frameThe name of the generated TF frame.
shiftThe distance of the generated TF from the tag TF in the x direction of the tag TF.

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