Publish Twist messages and transition
Publishes multiple Twist messages cmd_msgs_publisher
, before transitioning out.
Input List
There are 2 parameters.
Port Name | Message type | Callback |
entry | Transition [movai_msgs-MovAI/TransitionTo] | global/Callback/place_holder.cb |
loop | Timer [movai_msgs-ROS1/Timer] | cmd_vel_pub.cb |
Output List
There are 2 parameters.
Port Name | Message type |
cmd_msgs_publisher | Twist [geometry_msgs-ROS1/Publisher] |
exit | Transition [movai_msgs-MovAI/TransitionFor] |
Parameter List
There are 4 parameters.
Parameter | Description |
angular | [Float] Angular velocity |
linear_x | [Float] Velocity along the X-axis. Typically, a positive value moves the robot forward. |
linear_y | |
linear_z |