Parameters for global planner
Input List
There are 0 parameters.
Port Name | Message type | Callback |
Output List
There are 2 parameters.
Port Name | Message type |
depends | Dependency [movai_msgs-MovAI/Depends] |
plugin | Plugin [movai_msgs-ROS1/PluginClient] |
Parameter List
There are 14 parameters.
Parameter | Description |
allow_unknown | [bool] Specifies whether or not to allow the planner to create plans that traverse unknown space. NOTE: if you are using a layered costmap_2d costmap with a voxel or obstacle layer, you must also set the track_unknown_space param for that layer to be true, or it will convert all your unknown space to free space (which planner will then happily go right through. |
cost_factor | [double] Factor to multiply each cost from costmap by (dynamic reconfigure) |
default_tolerance | [double] A tolerance on the goal point for the planner. The planner will attempt to create a plan that is as close to the specified goal as possible but no further than default_tolerance away. |
lethal_cost | [int] Lethal Cost (dynamic reconfigure) |
neutral_cost | [int] Neutral Cost (dynamic reconfigure) |
old_navfn_behavior | [bool] If for some reason, you want global_planner to exactly mirror the behavior of navfn, set this to true (and use the defaults for the other boolean parameters |
orientation_mode | [int] How to set the orientation of each point (None=0, Forward=1, Interpolate=2, ForwardThenInterpolate=3, Backward=4, Leftward=5, Rightward=6 (dynamic reconfigure) |
orientation_window_size | [int] What window to use to determine the orientation based on the position derivative specified by the orientation mode (dynamic reconfigure) |
outline_map | [bool] Outlines the global costmap with lethal obstacles. For the usage of a non static (rolling window global costmap this needs to be set to false |
publish_potential | [bool] Publish Potential Costmap (dynamic reconfigure) |
use_dijkstra | [bool] If true, use dijkstra's algorithm. Otherwise, A*. |
use_grid_path | [bool] If true, create a path that follows the grid boundaries. Otherwise, use a gradient descent method. |
use_quadratic | [bool] If true, use the quadratic approximation of the potential. Otherwise, use a simpler calculation. |
visualize_potential | [bool] Specifies whether or not to visualize the potential area computed via a PointCloud2. |